So much of what we see here is not far after AD and quite a bit before BC. We have our own time line. ..BV and AV....Before Vertigo and After Vertigo. The Dark Ages of AV when I knew not what or how to eat are over. We passed through the Middle Ages in some insecurity with an an overlay of scarcity in a world abundant with breads breads and more breads, cheeses of all shapes sizes and flavors, wines, grapes, melons abounding. ....and me looking for the ever elusive Rye Crisp crackers.
But...throughout the middle ages as they have creatively transformed into the Renaissance era of AV....we find that goat and sheep triumph over cows almost every where...hence goat and sheep cheese and yogurt. And Quaker Oats. ..Though labeled in Greek...are in most Super Markets. Which are really a variety of we have everything stores many smaller than our co-op. breakfast on the patio garden of Olympia's Rooms is oatmeal cooked in the little common kitchen with chunks of 70% Greek chocolate that has a small Kraft foods on the back of its entirely Greek label, sprinkled with really special looked like echinacea flowers on the label honey, and the Greek Salt given to us by one of our hosts long ago on Crete. And as always in Greece...a cat.
Create....Gotta Do it!
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