Saturday, September 20, 2014

Waking up on Crete

A little oft putting at first as so many late night arrival and last minute taxi rides can be in so many places in the world.   But we are now friends with the bread and cheese guy...Zacharius.  Who upon learning we spoke English went in the back and brought out Ian....a Scottish English transplant full of life and story. Zacharius brought out his father's completely clear fire liquid in a liter plastic water bottle,  goat cheese and small chunks of hard bread baked in wood fired ovens in his village or somewhere.   Yum yum and so fun to talk to them both.   We left a little tipsy with a bag full of food with plans to return tomorrow for guidance on where and how to go on Crete.   Dale has pictures of me swimming today in the beautiful Sea of Crete.   Which I needed after Dale and I picked up plastic trash all along a very littered beach and dumped 2 large bags in dumpster nearby.  So pictures of the sea and me tomorrow.


  1. Picture taken from our OTHER balcony. ...where we dry our laundry.

  2. It's our anniversary #12. I bought champagne and M had about an ounce. He wanted to go for Monday night football so we did... on arriving home he is in agony. I've given him 3 dilaudid. The ER is "busy" and I'm making him wait to go to see if the pain meds work... but now he wants to go anyway. I love you. Thank you for marrying matter what.
