Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Greek word kyklon which means "moving in a circle" or "whirling around".

A commonly heard refrain during my childhood from my mother when she would enter my room was, "This room looks like a cyclone hit it."    I would look around, surprised.  It did.  I realize now, looking around at my house in the midst of many creative projects,  I am the cyclone.

 Today in the midst of the creative chaos I was looking for the perfect box I KNOW I have SOMEWHERE to carry the small puppet I am making (not finished) to take to Europe.  I was standing on a 3 inch stack of illegally copied (I didn't copy them) parenting guides waiting to be scratch paper or fire starter in the winter, which was on top of two concrete blocks, the remains of reconfigured shelf system, looking for that perfect box on huge shelf system that holds who knows what.  Things like Lennon's old BRIO train set.. that I still love, old phones, glitter and glue, cotton shopping bags ( a LOT of them), a fire extinguisher that needs recharging, cups of pens and pencils, and.... at the very top in a beautiful basket under some reusable plastic bags... a wide variety of things including a book titled Feng Shui : Step by Step, Arranging your Home for Health and Happiness.      Are you laughing? 
AquAlliance project for library in process.


  1. Tonight I will probably skim it like I did when I first got it.....and move something wooden into some corner. ...and something metal somewhere else and still the cyclone will blow.

  2. I just saw your installation at the Library and posted a photo of it on fb so people would go benefit from the info... that was a lot of work! I'm still in the meditation room at the hospital waiting for my dear M.... doing everything but meditating. I looked through all your posts and LOVE every single one! I don't know if Jana still does FB but I'll post a big slobbery love note to her if she does. Thank you for bringing such a wonderful woman into the world. Love to you and Dale... Keep enjoying and keep taking photos and posting your thoughts. Always, Chris
