My 90 year old mom knits. All day. This year she has been making scarves. Some she sells at the place she lives and others she gives away to Homeless Shelters. This year I volunteered at the Chico Housing Action Team (CHAT) safe house being orchestrated in Chico night after night. Food, clean bedding and a warm safe space for people not staying in a regular shelter. Last count there were 150 people registered. Nights hold sometimes 50 guests.
I estimate each night and follow up tasks takes about 25 people to pull off all the parts. 25! And they are often the same people coming in night after night to fill in the slots of the different time periods and needs.
Please see if you can help. Once you know the people, you don't want to imagine them sleeping under a bridge or in a bush at this season of year.
Here are some guests with my mom's scarves. Look at the colors of their small world. They chose colors that mattered to them.
These two people are a couple. He got the last scarf that happened to be pinks and lavenders. She told him they were browns..... just like he likes...heh heh.

Look at her t-shirt. Same yellow as in the scarf. And she said the green will go good with her other coat.
I will never look at lost people on the street the same as I did before.
Please help.
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